Your Privacy Technology Team is very important for:

We always attach maximum importance to all privacy from our respected customer’s digital privacy to all kinds of privacy. Let me highlight some important things below:

  • We will never want to know your personal information free of charge
  • We will not break any agreement to share your personal information so that we may provide services and protect our rights.
  • We will not store personal information except our service is required
  • However, we reserve the right to receive personal information on email or phone to the customer for the sake of service.

To perform the technology team’s activities and customer service properly, we take his various information while visiting the customer website which we do by following the privacy policy or procedure of the technology team. Below we are highlighting our Privacy Policy.

Personal Identification Information: 

We may receive information from customers in different ways such as when customers visit our website, register on the website, place order, filp form, and use any activities, services, features or resources on our site – we also collect information on various activities. We usually ask customers his full name, date of birth, email ID, home address, phone number etc. Customers can visit our site if they want to keep our name secret. We accept this information only to customers at their own will. Customers may refrain from providing their information in any case except the need to avail the Service on our Site.


Details of not personal information:

We often collect other information besides personal information for the need of contact on our site. Among such information: the name of the customer used browser, the type of configuration computer is used by the customer and various taconical information is significant.


How we use the information used:

1) Use your information to contact you in different courses or operations of different sessions on our site

2) We use the information you provide on different times to improve our service.

3) We use your information to review or view our various courses, live sessions or different products.

4) We use this information in various kinds of products release, content promotion, any offer campaign or announcement of different packages, including promotion of different types of products

5) Besides, we use the information provided by customers for more reasons at different times.

How we protect your information: 

We follow the appropriate data collection, preservation and processing methods and security measures so that no unprotected access, change, amplification or any personal information you have, such as: your name, password, transaction number etc. can be used illegally from our data storage. 


Topics related to personal information:

We never sell customers’ personal information to others. We only share common graphs or charts that are found on the basis of many customer information is often shared to increase the perception of visitors to the website. Give different reviews on our course content by the customer’s own will. In this case, no one has ever been insisted on a hare-complicated basis for any personal information. We often use third-party websites to improve our service, such as any administrative activities on our behalf such as to encourage customer to do any newsletter or survey. In such cases, we only provide third parties related information regarding their activities, which you have given us prior to the information you have given us. But in these cases, the third party will never bear responsibility if any unuse of this information on their website. In that case, you just provide information that you don’t have any chance of breaking your digital security. Contact us for any help to protect your privacy of your information at any time.


Protect compliance with children’s online security law: 

Protecting digital security of children is our past responsibility. We know that no underage child is 13 years old or under any information we receive.

Change in Privacy Policy:

Projuktit Team Privacy Policy can change at any time. When we change this policy, it will be notification on the main page of our website. We encourage our customers to visit our website regularly, so that they are always aware of any such policy changes. In the end, we also inform us about this kind of change by email. 


Your Terms:  

We assume that you have agreed with our Privacy Policy through using this site. If you disagree with our Privacy Policy, please request us to refrain from using our website. Even after changing our Privacy Policy, visiting your website indicates your consent to changes to our policy.


If you have any questions about our site, contact us anytime.